Studium conference

We are pleased to announce the STUDIUM CONFERENCE dedicated to Hydrogen Isotopes as Environmental Recorders that will be held in Orléans, France, from 15-16 September 2011.

The objective of this unique international venue is to assess and improve environmental information obtained from stable hydrogen isotopic analyses of organic compounds and associated waters. Oral presentations will consist of invited speakers. Additional knowledge will be shared via posters that all participants are encouraged to present. A special issue of research papers in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta will be an outgrowth of the conference. All participants are invited to submit articles for this issue that will first undergo normal peer-review procedures.

Main topics:

  • Evolution of the hydrological cycle through space and time
  • Environmental controls on the distribution of hydrogen isotopes in surface and groundwaters
  • Stable hydrogen isotopes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
  • Fractionation of hydrogen isotopes during biosynthesis
  • Environmental and biological inferences from D/H in organic molecules
  • Persistence of compound-specific D/H information through time and space
  • Synthesis and on to future directions

Additional information is available on the conference website:

Please forward this announcement to any person interested.