Special Joint Session at upcoming GeoHydro 2011 Conference, Quebec City
Dear CANQUA community,
I would like to draw your attention to a Special Joint Session entitled “Exploring Climate Change Impacts on Landscape and Hydrologic Processes at a Range of Spatial and Temporal Scales” to be held at the upcoming GeoHydro 2011 Conference in Quebec City, August 28-31, 2011.
Description of Special Session:
Climate change has had profound impacts on landscape and hydrologic processes throughout the geological past. Future climate change is anticipated to impact global hydrology, but the consequences are highly uncertain. Can past climate change impacts provide insight into future climate change related hydrological processes, particularly groundwater? This session focuses on climate and landscape change phenomena acting over a range of spatial and temporal scales, either related to past climate or future predicted climate, which alter hydrologic regimes, thereby changing surface water and groundwater dynamics and depositional environments. The session is intended to bring together Quaternary geologists and hydrogeologists to share insight into complex climate change related hydrologic processes.
Abstract deadline is December 15, 2010
You may submit your abstract on line. http://geohydro2011.ca/?q=call. Note that a 4 to 8 page proceedings paper will have to be submitted by May 31, 2011.
As you may know, Quebec City is a world-heritage site that celebrated its 400th anniversary just 2 years ago, making it North America’s oldest city. As we are expecting a large number of participants from across the country and abroad, this is a most interesting venue for our joint special session. Under the theme ‘Water and Earth: The junction of Quaternary Geoscience and Hydrogeology’, the organizing committee also wishes to promote exchanges between hydrogeologists and Quaternary scientists of all persuasions. This first joint meeting of the two groups seems long overdue.
Diana, Session Co-Chair