Short-course programme in Environmental Palaeoecology and Aquatic Ecology
We would like to draw your attention to the 2010/ 2011 short-course programme in Environmental Palaeoecology and Aquatic Ecology being offered by the Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London.
Registration is now open and the courses available include:
- 10th- 14th January 2011 – Ostracod Analysis
- 24th- 28th January 2011 – Palynology
- 7th- 11th February 2011 – Introduction to Diatom Analysis
- 14th- 18th February 2011 – Stable Isotopes and Environmental Change
- 21st- 25th February 2011 – Chironomids: Water Quality and Climate Change
- 9th-20th May 2011 – Numerical Analyses of Biological and Environmental Data
For full details, dates and an application form for the courses please visit or contact the course co-ordinator Fiona Mannion at